Saturday, 5 November 2011

Great kiwi trips done here

Sunset in New Zealand is amazing. This one's from Pauanui.

WOW. I've been extremely busy during the last month so I haven't been writing here. But that's only a good thing that I've been busy aye! And again I've had problems loading some photos here so.. But  I've now been back to school after the 2-week-holiday we had. Feels sooo weird. Especially because on the holiday i was lying on Waihi beach tanning and thinking absolutely nothing as I listened the sound of ocean.... Well anyway, my friends are not at school because they are having a study leave for their bigbig exams called Cambridge Exams. They are about same as our matriculation examination eli yo-kirjotukset! So at school there are the kids and I: I'm supposed to be hanging out with the year tens (born 1996-1997.....) for the next two weeks left before my South Island trip of 17 days. Hmm, it's allright and they're nice :) No worries! :) BUT the best thing is that i can  be few days a week in the primary school helping the teachers so I am privileged to spend time with those lovely little kiwi kids <3 they just love me.

L&P drink - World famous in New Zealand ;)

The first weekend of my holiday (= like ages ago cause i haven't been posting here for ages!!) I drove down from Auckland with B & G to a place called Matamata via many very pretty little towns. Matamata is a lovely small countrytown and it appeals many tourists because the place where the Lord of the Rings was filmed and where the Hobbits' houses are located is close to the town. Well, I didn't get to Hobbiton because it was closed. BECAUSE THEY ARE FILMING THERE THE LAST MOVIE! YEHAA. But unfortunately I didn't see even a quick glimpse of Orlando Bloom.. ;) but we went to a farm show which was fun :)

The first week of the holidays I was chillin' at home and we threw a surprise party for Lana with my friends. The next weekend I headed to north to Whangarei for a Marae weekend which was a Maori cultural weekend for us exchange students. We had heaps of fun of course and we learned a lot including the Haka, the war dance which the All Blacks always perform before every rugby game. Can't wait to see all those guys again in South Island ;)

My new job, A&P show in Matamata

Right after Marae me and Agathe mon petit from France (<3) were invited to Pauanui with few rotarians. We spent there 5 days sleeping in a caravan, being scared of all the cockroaches la cucaracha la cucaracha... ;) there might be, kayaking, rock and mountain climbing, bushwalking, kayaking, swimming, minigolfing, doing yoga, eating, eating, eating, watching nz movies, celebrating a 6th birthday, decorating cupcakes, treasure hunting, seeing old mining caves creepy!, sleeping in the car and taking heaps of photos again. From that lovely village of Pauanui full of amazing holiday homes we drove a bit to the south to a place called Waihi Beach.

Mt. Pauanui

At Waihi I ATE SOME RYE BREAD and it was amazing they found it for me from a market and we collected some shells, tanned, swam, watched first part of th Lord of the Rings, ate kiwi food including actually my first pavlova, decorated the house with Black things for the RWC final and finally had a party for the Rugby World Cup final on Sunday. The game, NZ-France, was extremely exciting and my heart was beating so loud and i was praying NZ to win and yesshh, they did 8-7!!! The whole nation needed a bit to cheer up because all of this bad things that have happend ( the earthquake in Christchurch earlier this year and now the oil catastroph in Tauranga ) so there it came. I am a bit sad I couldn't be in Auckland at the same time to celebrate there with thousands of people... But it was good watching it from TV and seeing all the important moments. The celebration continued till Monday which was a public holiday, The Labour Day. It's good to live here with this happy nation, it would be miserable if we had lost the cup we were hosting. WE ARE THE RUGBY WORLD CUP CHAMPIONS 2011!!!!!

Pauanui & Waihi Beach

Yesterday was Guy Fawkes Day and that's the day when we're allowed to haev fireworks! So for me it was like New Year's Eve :D anyway we had heaps of fun with friends, shooting fireworks in the midnight in an empty park ;)

I'm so sorry I don't have so many pictures again but, I'll get you more later when I have time :) okay?
So, have a good time you guys in Finland hopefully you get some snow there soon! :) And thanks for the bubbling and lovely letters love u x x

xx Lotta

P.S. some kiwi vocabulary for you to help reading i hope my kiwi mates dont read this and notice my possible mistakes in my lovely explanations of these words x)

kiwi = newzealander ( but also a bird )
pavlova = sweet merengue dessert, very kiwi thing and it's not from Australia it's from NZ!
heaps of = lots of
Maoris = indigenous people of New Zealand
Marae = meeting house of Maoris
Haka = maori war dance, performed also by All Blacks before every game
All Blacks = New Zealand's national rugby team
The Labour Day = public holiday, like our Mayday/1st of the May = The Workers' day!
Bush = the nature you see all around you the thing we would call forest in Finland, forest here is more a commercial thing, planted trees etc.
Bush walk = tramping in bush!


  1. moooooi lotta! oho sulla on blogi, löysin tän just ja rupeen lukemaa :) !

  2. Heeips, kiva että löysit mut :D yritän kirjotella mahd usein :) terkkuja täältä toiselta puolen palloa!

  3. IHA EKANA MITÄ OON MISSANNU, MIKÄ TSH LEFFA NYT ON TULOSSA what the.... :-D vai ymmärsinkö mä iha väärin ?!?!?!?! vautsi teil alkaa koht kesäloma....... täytyykö ees sanoo kuinka kateellinen oon ku täällei oo ees lunta ja oon iha syysmasis ja täällä on pimeetä eikä oo ees kauhee kylymä, jottaa +9 iha hyvi voi olla.. hulluu pelleilyy ku nytton marraskuu lol. ja mä kerron faktan: 8 kokeen koeviikko tulee olemaan mun kuolema. FOR REAL. kuulostaa tosi söpölt noi lapsoset ja se et autat niit, kui kivaaa mäki haluun!! :D iha hullun kivat maisemat, paaljon paaljon paaljon kivemmat jos vertaa näihi täällä:( kai sullo paljo kuvii tolt retkelt haluun nähä kaikkii kivoi maisemii sielt lisää:-D AINII JA OON HEI MIETTINY, et millo osiel tulee pimeetä vai onksiel pimeetä vai valosaa? :o

    ps. onneee nz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

    lakupatu xd

  4. LOTTA mä kirjotan sulle pian.t.sini

  5. LATE! no siis sillee mulle sanottii et siel filmataa vikaa TSH leffaa. En kylla tiia yhtaaa :D ja sen kylla tiian et orlando bloom on nz:ssa !! eli mahdollisesti. Inhoon tata saata taalla se on sellai bipolaarinen niinku yks mun kaveri sanoo eli et on tooosi hyva ilma ja sit on taas kauhee. Niinku tanaa. Pyorailin kouluu rankkasateessa. Joka kerta ku oon pyorailly joku menee vikaan ja sit ei oo kivaa. Ja tanaa on tylsa paiva muutenki eli shit. Mullaki on syysmasis :D Mullon ihan sikana kuvia mut en jaksa ladata niit tanne ku kestaa aina ihan sika kauan yhen kuvan latauski >( FOR REAL MATE, U'LL BE FINE! selviit kokeista, maki selviin taalla kaikesta hullusta mua koetellaa ja testataa koko ajan kaikenlaisissa tilanteissa Kelaa jos meen hyppaa benjinki hii >D

    taal on pimeeta illalla >D ja yolla. No siis pimee tulee joskus ehk 7/8 aikaa. Ehka? Mut ei oo samal lailla valosaa kesal ku suomessa. Tuun niiiiin kaipaa niit suomen valosia kesaoita :')

    SINISIMPUKKA, ootan raapustuksiasi :')


  6. lol mut vähä kivaa jos tulee uus tsh! :O jänskää! höh, ei täälläkää oo kivoi säitä mut täälleei sentää vaihtele, mut koht se helpottaa molemmissa paikoissa! :):)) BENJI!!!!! OIKEESTI VOUTSI OON NIIN YLPEE SUSTA JOS HYPPÄÄT SEN TOSI TOSI TOSI TOSI YLPEÄ! ja se fiilis jollon vaa putoo... se on varmaa iha mahtava. enemmän ku mahtava. sä selviit kaiffari mistä vaan oot terästyttö! :)

  7. NO HEI NIINPAAAA! kyl ma oikeesti aattelin hypata sen. ku en sit myohemmin elamas kumminkaa uskalla ;D mut haluisin myos teha skydivingin mut en millaa molempii ehi/oo varaa. mennaako sit vaikka suomessa yhessa hyppaa lentokoneesta :D ma varmaa hoen siina hypatessa et emma tahan kuole emma kuole koska mua varmaa pelottaa iha helvetisti.. mut me mennaa porukalla sinne nii ainaki tukee riittaa >D
